
Attendance Policy And Procedures

The school recognizes regular attendance as necessary to achieve consistent educational progress.  Classroom learning experiences are a meaningful and essential part of the educational system. Time lost from class is irretrievable, particularly a student’s opportunity for interaction and exchange of ideas with other students and teachers.  The absent student loses the benefits of lectures, discussions, and participation with other students. Vision Academy Charter School therefore considers consistent and timely attendance a major responsibility. Once enrolled every student regardless of age is subject to the school’s attendance policy.

Students are expected to be in the class to which they are assigned on every school day except for the excused absences: illness or injury, school related activity, family emergency or religious observance. It is the responsibility of the school’s administration to monitor student attendance and communicate with students and their parents when attendance patterns do not meet school standards. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children are in school unless a valid reason for absence exists and to notify the school when their child will be absent.

Schoolwork missed by the student during an absence shall be made up regardless of the reason for the absence.


Excused absences are defined as:

  • Absences because of temporary illness, injury or family emergency.
  • Absences for extended period because of physical, mental or emotional disability.
  • Absences for attending any school-sponsored activities of an educational nature, with advance approval by administration.
  • Absences by those who are in the custody of court of law enforcement.
  • Those determined by school administration to be excusable such as doctor’s appointments or juvenile court appearances.

Excessive absences will require verification form the appropriate doctor/dentist/agency, etc. Parents must notify the school office when their child will not be in school.   Students will be allowed up to 48 hours to make up work for each day of absence, except major project, which are due the day specified. Out-of-school suspensions will not count as absences and work may be made up.  Family vacations during school time are strongly discouraged, as they are considered unexcused absences and may result in the total student absences exceeding the specified limit. Absences to extend school vacations are not excused.

No student will be permitted to take part in any extra-curricular activity, game or practice, if he or she is absent after the mid-point in the day the event is to take place. A medical or dental appointment or other such appointment will be judged accordingly by the administration.

Excuse Notes

  • A written note must accompany all absences when a student returns to school (even if the parent has contacted the school by telephone).
  • A physician’s note MUST accompany all absences lasting three days or more.
  • No excuse will be accepted after a period of three school days. If documentation is not supplied within three school days of the absence, the absence will be considered unexcused.

Retention Based on Attendance

Students who are absent more than 21 days within a school year (excused and unexcused total) will repeat the current grade level.

Tardy Policy

It is every parent’s responsibility to ensure that their child arrives at school on time. The school believes that students who are late to school begin the day at a disadvantage. This is why the school makes every effort to see students arriving promptly in the morning. Each student may accumulate three unexcused tardiness per half year. More than three unexcused tardiness per half year may result in the following corrective action.

  • Warning
  • Counseling
  • Detention
  • Family/ School meeting
  • Attendance Contract

Students are expected to demonstrate a commitment to on time school attendance. Students who do not demonstrate such a commitment may be recommended for expulsion.

Charter School Responsibilities

Charter and cyber charters must report unexcused absences directly to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) through the Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS).

Procedure when child is truant (three unexcused absences).

The law expressly requires schools to notify in writing the person in parental relation with a child within ten (10) school days of the child’s third unexcused absence that the child has been “truant.”

If the child continues to be truant and incurs additional absences after this notice has issued, the school must offer the student and parent a student attendance improvement conference.

Procedure when child is habitually truant (accumulates six unexcused absences).

The procedure schools must follow when a child is habitually truant depends on the age of the child.  If a habitually truant child is under fifteen (15), the school must refer the child to either:

  • A school-based or community-based attendance improvement program or
  • The county children and youth agency (CYS) for services or possible disposition as a dependent child under the Juvenile Act. Additionally, the school may file a citation against the parent of a habitually truant child under fifteen (15) in a magisterial district court.

Early Dismissal Requests

  • Please make every effort to adhere to regular dismissal times.
  • If your child needs to be dismissed early, you must call the school a minimum one (1) hour in advance or send a note to school with your child.
  • Only authorized adults whose names are on file in the main office may pick up your child.
  • Please provide the main office with names and telephone numbers of adults who may pick up your child. Please update the names if your family situation changes.
  • Communicate with your child that he/she has an early dismissal.
  • Meet your child in the main office.  Please try your best to be on time. Please come before 2:40 pm for early dismissal.
  • If your child is getting picked up by someone other than the parent; we need permission in WRITING.  The note must specifically state the person’s name that is picking up the child.  The person must be at least 18 years old.

Dismissal Procedures

The first students to be released are the bus riding students. Thereafter, students are will be taken outside to line up outside the school if the weather allows. In case of harsh weather conditions, pick up students will be in the first floor of each building for parent pick up. All students are expected to go to their cars and leave the school premises in an orderly and safe manner. Bus riding students will be picked up by staff members from their classrooms to be taken to the designated dismissal location and enter their assigned bus in an orderly and safe manner.

Late Pick- Up

Dismissal begins at 3:20 pm. All children are expected to be picked up no later than 3:45 pm. Parents and guardians should go to the gym for student pick-up. If a child/children are not picked up by 3:45, parent/guardian will be charged $5 after school care fee for each 5 minutes the child is picked up late until 5:05 pm. If the child/children is not picked up after 5:05 pm, the police will be called and the child/children will be taken to the nearest police station until you arrive.

School Sponsored Activities:
Students who miss class because of participation in school field trips, musical performances, student conferences, or school related competitions will not be considered absent. Teachers and administrators will be provided with a list of students participating in such activities at least 48 hours in advance. ASSIGNMENTS ARE TO BE COMPLETED AND TURNED IN PRIOR TO A SCHOOL SPONSORED TRIP. Administration/teachers may refuse the right of a student to participate if their academic expectations are not being met.